Sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella) is one of the first wild edible plants I learned and began foraging on my own. This small plant is surprisingly tasty, with a pleasant sour burst. You can eat it plain or sprinkle it on a salad to boost flavor.


Habitat: A native plant to Europe, Asia, and the British Isles, this plant was brought to North America and cultivated as a crop. It’s often found in acidic, sandy soils in heaths and grasslands. Does well in the same soil as blueberries.

Leaves: The leaves are the most distinctive part and also the part you are most likely to see, year-round. It has small lobes on either side of the base and a large middle lobe. They stay green year round.

Flowers: Tiny pinkish, reddish flowers in tall spikes, clustered in whorls. Flowers from May to June.

Height: this plant has upright stems and grow from 4 to 16 inches.

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